

Change of date and form of the conference

Ladies and Gentlemen, As the COVID-19 situation is still uncertain, II International Conference ‘METEOROLOGY, HYDROLOGY, ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION, WATER MANAGEMENT, NAVIGATION – research and problems’, because of safety reasons, cannot be organized on a stationary form in the way presented in the 2nd Announcement. Therefore, we would like to inform you about further changes in the […]


How to publish an article in a special issue of the journal Water

Dear Sir or Madam! Read on for details on how to publish an article in a special issue of the journal Water.


Change in date of the conference

Ladies and Gentlemen, Because of epidemiological state caused by spreading COVID19, II International Conference ‘METEOROLOGY, HYDROLOGY, ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION, WATER MANAGEMENT, NAVIGATION – research and problems’ cannot be organized in the previously assumed days due to safety reasons. Therefore, we inform about the need of change in the date of this scientifical event. Simultaneously, we would […]